MovieChat Forums > Low Winter Sun (2013) Discussion > Why this show is terrible.

Why this show is terrible.

None of the characters are interesting. None of them. Especially Frank.

Can anyone give me one freaking reason why Joe is still alive? Frank was willing to kill to avenge Katja in the pilot, but now he just doesn't want to now that he knows Joe killed her for real? Ugh.

This show has been an embarrassment for AMC.



Sure, I can give you one reason. He doesn't want to go to jail. It's slightly different to kill someone when you think you get away with it (Brendan) than when you know you couldn't. With Boyd and now Dawson likely keeping an eye on both Joe and Frank, he knows he could never kill Joe and get away with it. Hell, if Joe dies by accidentally choking on a hot dog (or coney as it were), Boyd would still probably suspect foul play somehow.


The one thing I think is a little fishy has more to do with Joe. Agreed, both Joe and Frank are now under extreme scrutiny. But then....Joe makes it known he's going to Chicago for a vacation day...and on that same day, a prostitute (Katia) is thrown out a window in Chicago. Joe put himself in harms way and was careless. It wouldn't be long before Boyd and Dawson get wind of that incident, conclude it was Katia....and place Joe in Chicago the very day it happened.

A random murder of a prostitute in Chicago (may) have gone under the radar if it was a standard overdose or something low-key....but a person getting thrown out of a highrise...makes the newswaves.

But as far as the characters not being INTERESTING? I feel completely the opposite about that. SOme say they're not interesting. Others say not likeable. I found them to be written in an unusual (and extremely interesting) fashion. Rather than your typical, cookie-cutter good guys written with good qualities....bad guys written with bad qualities....the characters in LWS were much more ambiguous...much harder to categorize.

The writing made them seem and feel so REAL, rather than scripted characters reading their lines. The dialogue wasn't smooth and polished. It had the haphazard awkwardness of real people in stressful situations. Heck, (just one example)....Frank actually had a mini heart attack on his way to his flight. How often do you see something random (yet realistic) like that happen to a character?? Usually, writers forfeit that kind of realism to make more room for bang-bang, chase-chase.

Look at Frank's face as he's talking with his ex-wife. Those feelings he's conveying in his eyes...with his voice....with his manic gestures....not many actors can pull that stuff off. He makes everything seem very real. Just an amazing actor.

I found the characters extremely well-written, nuanced and interesting. To each their own.


I am going to have to go a little bit more with cj's line of thinking than yours.

The thing that you have to remember about Joe is that he (as far as we are shown) has an airtight alibi if anyone did question him. He was at the (was it an opera or a production?) theater with his mother and daughter. He probably still has the ticket stub to prove it. Boyd and Dawson can say whatever they want but neither of them is ever going to be able to break that alibi.

You are making Katia's death a murder, assume you are the arriving Chicago police officers. What exactly points to her death as a murder? Are there signs of a struggle in the apartment? Did she say scratch her assailant and there is skin under her nails? Will any sort of investigation show that she is a prostitute/stripper (fill in the blank), possibly a drug user (which would show on a tox screen)? Would any of the people in the adjacent rooms say that they heard people arguing or fighting next door? So what is to say that it wasn't a suicide?

In 2012, Detroit recorded 379 homicides, Chicago recorded 500. I think it is going to take something substantive for Chicago PD to look at Katia's death as anything more than a suicide, which is something that Joe would have known a little about.


As obsessive as Boyd was...he'd have connected the dots.
Joe could have made it an overdose or something much more off the grid.
However...the fact that Katia was not her real name would probably have made it very difficult for Boyd to get wind of, regardless.


I agree. None of the characters felt genuine and I felt nothing towards any of them. Frank's "aw shucks" reaction toward Joe's killing of Katia was just absurd. The man murdered a girl he was obsessed with since the beginning of the show and he seemed to just quickly shrug it off in the finale. Terrible writing, but the writing has been bad from the start so that's not a surprise. Frank ends up coming off as a loser, creepy stalker, and coward. That's really not a compelling lead for a TV show. Joe is a corrupt, murdering sociopath. Damon was also a murdering sociopath, who let his best friend die rather than take him to the hospital. Were people actually supposed to care about Damon's death? I don't care about any of these people or what happens to them.

On a scale of spray tan to calf implants, how confused are you?


Agreed. I have up after episode 5

Plus hated every major character.

I was done.
Very disappointed.
