MovieChat Forums > Low Winter Sun (2013) Discussion > I've waited to share my opinion-- ( a f...

I've waited to share my opinion-- ( a few spoilers )

---Until the first season was concluded.

I've seen a ton of negative reviews, mine is positive.
I absolutely loved this show, I've heard that this type of style is called a "slow burn" and I really felt that the way it exploded in the final two episodes (Ann Arbor/Surrender) was a great ending to the build up they presented all season.

Low Winter Sun is why some shows deserve a full season to develop their plot. "The Bridge" is another example of a show that didn't move at a high place, but because of the character development and plot devices really made the show intense.

Frank completely flipping his lid thinking his life was over and then finding out his ex partner was taking the fall. Brilliant twist.

Damon murdering The Greek and then being shot and run over later. Brutal "gangster film" imagery.

My favorite scene had to be Boyd completely losing it after his theories (which were all correct) were tossed in the trash. "You KNOW I'm right!!"

There were so many details and nuances that I loved.

I just really enjoyed it. I feel that it deserves a second season.

"Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal"


Good to see another fan. :-)

I just hope they release a DVD eventually. Not expecting a 2nd season.


I agree with you, but am wondering where a second season would go. Also, I would like to see one or two bright spots among the relentless despair, something to hold out at least meager hope for. Dani sort of fulfilled that role, but this turn of events is likely to make her a cynic, too.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


I really wish American tv would be happy with more miniseries. I don't mind there not being a season two if you can give me 10 quality episodes and tell an interesting story. I don't really see where they go with another season unless it is Frank getting revenge on Joe.


I also will miss this show if /when it's over. There are parallels to "The Shield" in that there are so many interesting directions it could go. On "The Shield" there was always the possibility of Vic going back on the street, or Ronnie beating his charge and then coming after Vic. On "LWS" I'd love to see Frank or Joe looking over their shoulder for somebody like Dani coming for them.


I echo your sentiments exactly.
Especially liked Boyd's breakdown. Brilliant.
