The theme song sucks

I just thought I had to point that out before the show gets canceled. I mean, maybe it's somewhat unfair to point that out since Breaking Bad doesn't even have a theme song. But, Walking Dead's theme song kicks ass as much as the show. With this show, it's like, the theme song sucks, so how can the show be any good?


I wouldn't go so far as "sucks", but I don't think it's great either. In it's defense, I do think it fits the the tone and Detroit flavor of the show. I'm with you on the Walking Dead theme though. When I say it's great, I don't mean like I would jam out to it while driving. I just think it's so chilling, and fits the personality of the show perfectly. Game of Thrones is another show that has a really good opening theme. A couple of my all time favorite shows, Deadwood, and Firefly didn't have particularly good theme music in my opinion.


I agree 100%. It is a horrible theme song. I don't know why but I cringe whenever it comes on.


Yeah, I guess it's true that there can be good shows with terrible theme songs. I like True Blood, though the last season was a disaster. And I have to say I don't care much for the True Blood theme, but it does fit the show. Then, of course you occasionally get an awful show with a great theme song. I remember FX had a show a few years ago called Lights Out. It had an awesome theme song that really got me excited to watch the show, only to be incredibly disappointed every episode I watched. The show just didn't live up to the promise of its theme song.


If this comes back for a second season I hope they drop it.


To be honest, I thought it was weird at first, but I actually kind of like it now. But that's me.

That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it.


Yes, I like it to. It's sung by a local blues singer, Bettye LaVette....and it has the same kind of gritty, bluesy feel that the personality of the show itself has. And while many people feel LWS has cast The D in a bad light (using only the seediest of locales for the most part).....I (as a Detroiter) don't mind the tough, hard-core scenery at all. As long as people realize that doesn't represent the whole of Detroit. Sure, there are some tough, gritty areas....but even a lot of those areas, if you pan back, have a haunting beauty to them. Detroit has some spectacular architecture....but it also has many ghosts and shadows. This story wasn't supposed to take place in Mayberry. :)


I'm not fond of the theme song but at least it's short. besides, The Wire had an awful theme song but wasn't hurt at all by it

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."
