MovieChat Forums > Low Winter Sun (2013) Discussion > Lennie James is the best thing on the sh...

Lennie James is the best thing on the show.

James is a strong and flexible actor. With partner Strong they hold the attention.

Its hard to hear much of the time as everyone is so often whispering. Am I right or am I right?
The look of the show is strong and convincing.

Dirty cops are Hollywood standard fare now..and this one breaks through the bottom of the barrel.
Just let the kids know...its merely Hollywoods current favorite flavor. Not SO common or on screen.




You are wrong and you are wrong.

His overacting is not helped by the dreadful dialogue. "The devil is in me...." (paraphrasing.)


I agree. I think his performance is borderline unwatchable. That was the point of my post. I laugh every time I think of him saying ITS A DAMN STROBE


Thank god you aren't in charge of any casting with your horrible judgement



I think Mark Strong can more than hold his own, as evidenced in the finale. But God, I can't get enough of Lennie James as Geddes, every time he is on screen, he has my total attention and I'm just so interested in him and really enjoy his performance. His acting in this seems to polarize viewers, and I just landed on the side that likes it, he had me at day 1. He sort of acts like he's on stage, but it doesn't bug me, I love everything about whatever he's doing. I hope and have a good feeling that it will get a 2nd season, 'cause I need me some more Joe Geddes.


Really...??? I think he's a fine actor but honestly I didn't see him do anything other than sneer alot. The script wouldn't allow much more than that. You guys are acting as though his performance was the highlight of the season... I don't remember them giving out an Emmy for Best Stink Eye Performance.


Lennie James has a good screen presence, and he brought some great gravitas to Joe....but yes, agreed, he didn't get too many standout moments in LWS. Just consistent high quality in general. If I had to pick a standout moment, it was his scene on the boat w/ Frank a few episodes back, where he felt like a man condemned.

I think the best scene of the series so far has got to be the one in the finale between Frank and his ex. Both actors absolutely KILLED it. Some of the best acting I've seen in a very long time. Plus, the dialogue, the writing, everything was just spot on....right down to the re-sequencing of that scene from how the episode opened (with Frank in the back of the squad car). Brilliant. "You are death...and you brought it home with you every night."


I think the best scene of the series so far has got to be the one in the finale between Frank and his ex. Both actors absolutely KILLED it.

Agreed. I felt like I was right in that living room.


That whole episode was great. So intense!

Take care, God bless.


Mark Strong is the better actor by far. His scene with his wife, his scene with the woman hostage, the end scene with the coroner. Every scene he is in he is compelling.

James on the other hand is constantly overacting. Hes a decent actor but he just doesnt know when to tone it down. When hes with Strong he feels the need to shout to overpower Strongs more subtle performance.

Its pretty much what he does as an actor, overemote. He did it in Jericho, and he did it in his episodes in The Walking Dead. And for some reason when hes in a family situation he comes across as a bully.


Couldn't agree more - James sends me towards the kettle - he is the same in everything I have seen him in - Mark Strong is astounding and needs a better vehicle than this so I hope if LWS is not picked up for a second season, he gets something that will show what he can do. Watch him as Hani in Body of Lies those of you who don't rate him - chilling.


I agree wholeheartedly. Lennie James is, in fact, the reason I watched this show until the bitter end.


Am i the only one who loves both? Lennie James and Mark Strong are both terrific actors. But i have to agree with the fellow poster considering LWS: "James on the other hand is constantly overacting. Hes a decent actor but he just doesnt know when to tone it down. When hes with Strong he feels the need to shout to overpower Strongs more subtle performance"

James was playing another bent cop at Line of Duty, his performance was great. To be honest Mark Strong was better at original show.

I am not having people witness my life.It's bad enough that I have to see it.

