
First Gator has no Problem with killing the little Girl, he said to the Bikers they could kill her too, and after Winona Ryder brings her to his home, he wants to shoot her.
So far ok, but then in the End he tells the Girl to stay away, because she should not see him kill his Dad????


As far as the bikers go, I think he was just going along with them so they wouldn't kill him too. The part about him not wanting to shoot Broker in front of her, was written in so that he could be distracted and Broker could disarm him.


To piggyback on this:

I also think he was a little bit screwed up at the time. After all, he just shot his sister, and he really cared about her. Gator was a tough guy, but he also had a softer side. He cared about the sister. He didn't really want to kill the girl. He was mad at the Sister for bringing the girl to the barn, because he knew he probably had to kill her.

Therefore, I do not think it was a stretch for him to not want to kill a man in front of his daughter.


He had no problem with the gang killing the daughter, but there's a whole different thing having to do the dirty work yourself.

Why am I Mr. Pink?


On the bridge cops are witnesses...
