Harry's Disappearing Children
Does anyone know where the other 2 children Chandler & Beatrice are?! There were 5 children at varying points in Swiss 1 & 2 but in 3 & 4 there's no mention of them!
shareDoes anyone know where the other 2 children Chandler & Beatrice are?! There were 5 children at varying points in Swiss 1 & 2 but in 3 & 4 there's no mention of them!
share*series not Swiss!!
shareChandler died in infancy, but yes, they seem to have forgotten about Beatrice. In reality, she was just one year younger than her brother Gordon if I'm not mistaken, so at this point in the timeline she could be off on her own like Violette is. The real Violette married the Vicompte Jacques de Sibour, and Beatrice later married his brother Compte Louis de Sibour.