Why are people?

Trying to make this movie out to be just another lame found footage movie?
One reviewer by Angelica or whatever her name is, completely ignored how awesome this movie was just because it was hand recorded.

Found Footage can be executed correctly with just the right people...Clif and Derek.... they really set the bar with this movie and I can't wait to see what they're coming up with next

To be honest the camera wasn't all over the place and you could completely make out what was happening. I thought it was gonna end at the decimation of their friendship, when Derek started feeding off Clif, but it erupted into a frenzy of awesomeness and vengeance!

I feel this movie had more action than Chronicle and a nice dab of horror mixed in
Very good job for such a small budget, the animation,graphics and all were on point when they showed the locations and etcetera.( I am a graphic designer,etc)

This can easily go into list of favorites , they did an excellent job!

Who Agrees?!


I absolutely agree, this film is on a completely different level than what people have conceived to be found footage up to this point. The camera work is just extraordinary, the amount of edits and cuts they must have had to process to put this film together so seamlessly must have been an exhausting task.

Too bad they didn't have a backer to market and promote this thing on a wider scale, I think it would have made a ton if given a big theatrical release. Instead we get utter tripe like Devil's Due put into theaters and franchises like PA slammed down our throats.


Its a breath of fresh air to the genre!
Yeah I bet especially with the swat scenes and all!
To accomplish so much with so little cash, those years they spent making home movies really paid off!
It might be too late to pull what PA1 did, with the theather rerelease but yeah if they had the right pushers this movie would make alot of noise and set a standard!


I agree.. 8/10 for the genre. I think the movie is much better if you go in not knowing anything about it like i did. I can see the bwginning feel like it dragged too long if you know the twist, and i think the negative reviews are from viewers who read reviews bwfore watching.
