MovieChat Forums > Afflicted (2015) Discussion > I recommend going in blind

I recommend going in blind

I didn't watch the trailer at all and just took a chance on this not even knowing the synopsis and I'm glad I went that route. Great film. Can't believe it was low budget. Nice editing was done with the stunts. This is by far the best vampire found footage film (the first?) I've seen. If a sequel is in the works, though, I'm afraid it will only be downhill from here (i.e. Saw, Paranormal Activity). Big bucks equal less ingenuity because a return on investment is needed. Whereas with this film, these filmmakers had nothing to lose and the story, visual, and special effects paid off in the long run. Great job!

"Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares about you. Nothing will come of this."


You want me to poke both my eyes out before seeing this film?

Okay...but this better be good!



"Into every life a little coffee must spill."


You recommend people to go in not knowing much, then give away the twist in the same post? :)


Well if people normally visit message boards about films they are about to see then this thread obviously wouldn't pertain to them. However, for those that saw the movie under the same circumstances as myself and afterwards saw my thread it would allow them an opportunity to express how correct or incorrect I was in my evaluation.

"Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares about you. Nothing will come of this."


This topic is pointless and irrelevant because you spoiled the twist. The whole point of going in blind is because of the twist!

No sense in discussing going in blind AFTER the fact, right? It's not like we can just rewind time to watch it blind... and so what if we agree or disagree with your assertion, we've all seen the damn movie!

The only purpose this topic serves is to ruin the benefit of "going in blind" for those that haven't seen the movie yet. I know, it's stupid to read the message boards for a movie you haven't seen, because it will almost certainly spoil it, but man, you took spoilers to a whole new level by promising a spoiler-free post and then stabbing your readers in the back.


I think I also enjoyed it more not knowing much about it. When I first heard of it, I had only seen the trAiler, the synopsis was sparse, and there wasn't much of a Wikipedia entry on it. So all I knew was that it was about to guys on a trip and it goes horrible wrong, but I figured Derek got possessed or something. I was pleasantly surprised.
