Terrible Movie!

Do not be fooled by the "great movie" reviews posted about this steaming pile of "film". I imagine any positive reviews about this movie were written by the producers, director or cast members. Its probably the most tedious telling of a vampire flick I've ever watched.

The film starts out as if its a produced documentary about a road trip two friends are having, but turns into a found footage movie halfway through, as if the director forgot what kind of movie he was making. And it gets even sillier and more annoying as the movie goes on.

The acting is amateurish, and the dialogue they bumble through is even worse. And if you're a fan of bad movies like Birdemic, The Room, or Rise of the Animals, don't expect to be a fan of this. This isn't one of those, "so bad it's good movies". It's just a terrible movie without any sort of redeeming qualities.

I could write more about how bad this film is but the sooner I forget about it, the better. Even if you are given the opportunity to watch this for free, avoid it. You'll just end up regretting it, and wind up complaining about it on an internet message board.


Boy shut the hell up and get off the page


Trolling at its finest.

Follow your own advice.

I laugh in the face of danger, then I hide until it goes away.



Yeah just yelling 'get off the page' is pretty pointless.

As for the review, I totally disagree. This is the absolute best 1st person film released since CLOVERFIELD. Some of the acting may have been a bit substandard (though thats true of all mockumentary films in my opinion) every other aspect of this film is near perfect. 50 minutes in they reach the point where all other films of its kind would have ended and we would have had to stomach our way through an extra 40 minutes of nothing happening. This flick explodes into amazing camera work during insane action sequences that, quite frankly, rocked.

Vampires everywhere should be down on their knees right now thanking these guys for making vampires cool again. Seriously its been a pit of weak vampire flicks for so long now... This film totally worked.


The absolute worst movie that i have ever wasted an hour watching. You have to be a lame brain idiot to like this P.O.S.


It wasn’t great.
