MovieChat Forums > Afflicted (2015) Discussion > Interesting Vampire/POV Flick

Interesting Vampire/POV Flick


I took a chance on this movie as I am researching into writing scripts for POV movies such as paranormal activity, Eli Roth's Last Exorcism.

This film started well, and it was fairly easy to get on board with the likeable character's optimism when they leave to travel the world for one year.
What I like most about POV is the forced perspective, we see what the characters are seeing in the same shocking way, free from the 'pre-steps' to a shocking moment that most horrors ruin for me with suggestive shots and ominous music- POV in my opinion will always provide more genuine 'jumps' because of its shooting method.
However music can be VERY useful in horror- did anyone see Insidious?- the music made that movie 10x more scary.

A POV movie about two buddies, one who is turning into a vampire- the other unable to escape his fate out of loyalty to his friend. It's an interesting plot, and for anyone who's seen Chronicle, it gets quite remeniscent of that when the vampire is learning the extent of his power. It's exciting, and some of the POV chases from Police are gripping (especially since the sun burns the vampire during them).

Unfortunately, the movie loses it's steam around 45-50 minutes in- and that escape from the police becomes an escape from the vampire curse as it consumes him. A series of failed suicides becomes tedious and depressingly inteopective following the immediacy of the first half. I won't go into it, just give it a watch.

Never heard of Derek Lee before... But as an actor, not bad, as a director, has potential. Will be watching for him in the future.


I didn't even know it was a vampire flick until he talked about vampires. I thought it was going in the direction of a diseased zombie outbreak. So I was pleasantly surprised. I guess I didn't learn anything about the movie before hand.


I was pleasantly surprised by this as well! I've been telling my friends about this movie but NOT telling them about the vampire angle so it doesn't ruin the surprise. Nice to see a good vampire movie for a change. Been a while.


I didn't think it was a vampire flick too until the scene where Cliff and Derek go to the vineyard and derek begins to burn in the sun after they ride to the top of the mountain. That was the giveaway. I was kind of disappointed that the affliction was a vampiric one, I was hoping it was something else. None the less, this movie was still awesome and is definitely one of the better PoV/found-footage films out there.

Also, that scene when Cliff wakes up in the middle of the night, looks out his window, and then sees Derek by his bed..the way Derek looked spooked me :D


Good little POV film which I thought about oh great get super sick on a vacation of s lifetime. But the transformation is great. I love movies like this.
