.. Interpol..

Yeah, no.

Interpol doesn't have field agents of their own, and can't actually go arrest people in their own name. They're not Europe's FBI or anything. It's just a name for a shared international police database, nothing else.

The cops in Italy would never, ever have said "Interpol". They would've been Italian police, acting as Italian police.

It kind of bugs me that such a basic, and rather big, error could come through so many people and apparently nobody knew this, or knew how to Google Interpols website?


Yes, this detail bugged me too. Were they implying that Italian police won't hunt down foreigners?


Immediately noticed this, as well, and was trying to explain to my co viewer why no one at your door would say "Interpol." Still, it was a small detail, so it didn't distract from an otherwise well written and directed film.

I drank what?
