Can't stand Shelly

Can't stand that dumb baby voice and her story line. Bleh. Bad actress.


The character of Shelly was okay. They needed someone who could balance the other characters but I agree I I hate the voice of the Shelly 2.0 plus it annoyed me that the newer Shelly went from this 7ft looking girl with the innocent face and sweet/naive demeanor to fairly normal height girl who got more agitated and was sarcastic.


I'm only one episode in but couldn't agree more.

Suddenly she's this baby-talking, helpless thing used as a lever by her mother?

What happened to her subtle sense of potential menace? Why abruptly and clumsily undermine her by removing Roman, Norman and Dr Pryce from her life completely and without acceptable story lines?

To simply reduce her to a pry bar for her mother to use in regaining her control speaks volumes to the reduction of this story to a mere soap-opera.



I liked v1much better. Not hip hop underground YouTube star v2. what the hell? Seems like they just went nuts with the story line.


Terrible actress. How on earth is she managing to make a living at it?
Presumably some sort of nepotism, or she's banging some production exec.
She was exactly the same in Californication... immediately sucking all the interest and drama out of any scene she's in.

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


Perfectly said


Madeleine Martin apparently has a naturally nasally little girl type voice. Unfortunately when she uses sarcasm she just sounds like a mopy, whiney, brat. That was the problem in Californication. I could not stand her in that past the first season.

In the last episode of Hemlock Grove when her boyfriend came back after having previously turned himself in, and showed up at her room at that abandoned factory, Shelley sounded whiney again, and it reminded me of Becca on Californication. Her boyfriend had not done or said anything untoward or mean to her. I could not stand to hear her whining and acting wronged.

She reminds me of a few insecure kids I met growing up who used sarcasm and played the victim all the time. It is a coping mechanism and can get to be a habit. I get the sense that Madeleine might have developed some of that in her personality as a young teenager. I hope she grows out of it. It is never attractive but with her voice it is terrible. She just sounds like a petulant brat.
Her voice would not bother me if she had a cheery personality, or even if she just wasn't sarcastic and acting injured all the time.
Perhaps she will mature and learn to stop doing that.



Agreed. I liked how the old Shelly was a voiceless little girl inside a mans body. Whatever happened to that?

I cheered when she killed christina.. the first time. I actually cared what happened to her.

Now I'm in season 3 and I skip all of her scenes. I hate the voice. I hate the new face and eye thing. I'm done with Shelly.


Some SPOILERS so take note... I disagree. You are all wrong with your dissenting comments. Shelly 2.0's voice was perfect and her story line was essential to the plot. The actress that played Shelly provided her outwardly hideous character with a newfound sweetness. Beautifully done! Well, Shelly survived getting shot but I don't think she'll survive the slings and arrows of her critics. I think Shelly was essentially a version of Frankenstein's monster in this sci-fi/horror Netflix series. She was a 7 foot gentle giant that lived among the civilized/savages that never let her fit into their world. But she was loved at home and in the laboratory. So there was some balance in her life that stopped her from becoming evil despite what the rest of the world thought of her. But she took a bullet for Peter at the end of season 1 along with all the blame for the horrible murders. She was essentially a hero. Then Shelly's character evolved after Season 1 into something greater than the misunderstood and social outcast that was version 1.0. In season 1 she had no real voice, other than that of her journal's narrator and the handheld text-to-speech device. One was sophisticated and lovely sounding while the other was robotic and mechanical. While she was in hiding during season 2, she was befriended by an abused child that brought her food. She responded by protecting the child from the evil adults. When that confrontation ended she had found her voice. Out of violence can that child-like sweetness that personified Shelly. Then during season 3 she lived amongst the dregs of society, the other outcasts, and became somewhat of an internet celebrity. She was accepted by them, mostly, and she got to live a somewhat normal, less chaotic, life. In the end, Shelly was the most normal person in the cast and the most natural choice to be mother to the child left in her care. Bravo!


She was essentially a hero.
Yes absolutely. I actually liked her character in many ways, in the first season especially.

There were many changes to her throughout the series. Her big right eye was much lower than her left at first. But there were episodes where it was almost at the same level with the other eye.
And she was much taller in the first season than later on. They were not consistent with that.
The main thing I didn't like was the change in her personality after she got her voice back. She got a little whiny, not just the sound of her voice. When her boyfriend finally came back after turning himself in to face the old charges he had been running from, Shelley didn't act happy to see him. The Shelley from the first season would have been thrilled to see him I think. But Shelley's initial reaction to seeing him was mopey and critical.

But she was essentially a heroine in the story, and a good person. She wasn't mean like her brother and her mother. She sacrificed herself for others. She had compassion, and she didn't lie.
There are a lot of good things about Shelley.


Writetopcat and rickyc111, good on you! Shelly is the best thing in the show, and this is a good show, so that’s saying something. To those posters who are pretending to analyze the character’s personality: you got your degrees in clinical psychology, where? Marvel Comics? Or junior high school? Shelly is one of the sweetest, most sympathetic and lovable characters whom I’ve encountered in a visual narrative. She is in many ways similar to the Frankenstein’s monster in Mary W. Shelly’s novel: intelligent, literate, a monster only in form, not in heart. No doubt that Hemlock Grove stole this archetype wholesale from
the novel, Frankenstein. If you’re going to steal, steal from the best. Her voice? Jennifer Tilly has an abrasive voice. Abraham Lincoln had a raspy voice. Stephen Hawking had a digital voice. So fucking what? It’s time for you assholes to be graduated from junior high school, or middle school, or whatever they’re temporarily calling it today. Shelly’s heart is as big as all outdoors, and that is all that matters. Her voice?! Dimosthenes, the grestest of Greek orators, was born with a hideous voice. In response, he stuffed pebbles in his mouth and evey day walked to the ocean shore, where he would practice his oratory until he, with a mouth filled with stones, could be CLEARLY heard and understood above the roar of the Mediterranean Sea. A voice comes from the heart. It does not come from the lyrnex. Bile, on the other hand, does. Also from trivial fingers of anonymity on internet message boards.

Shelly rocks.
