MovieChat Forums > Mi Mefakhed Mehaze'ev Hara (2013) Discussion > I thought this film was very Coen brothe...

I thought this film was very Coen brothers in a very dark way

I don't feel like spewing about all it's virtues, but I liked this film a lot. And while I started feeling sympathy for everyone in the film, I was one that didn't see the twist, and I am glad I didn't. I felt while watching it, that this is a film the Coen brothers would have made in the old days if they actually had no moral compass. Not that it is anyway I slight towards the filmmakers, because the inevitable subject matter is pretty hard core. But they are able to take it to another level, and you can actually laugh, and somewhat feel bad about it in the end.

I look forward to see what these two directors have in store for us, in the future,I actually do, Great job, you sick bastards LOL,...wait hold on that's my Mom on the phone.


i can completely agree with this. i actually thought the exact same thing at certain points. what got me was the twist. it was so obvious what was to happen but it wasnt obvious at the same time, does that make sense? like, they make you believe it is him and after a while, they convince you otherwise. sure enough, he is. i should've trusted my first instinct. they just did that brilliantly. i often changed my views and such as the film went on and i rarely get that with films these days. i for one loved it. i am a fan of no happy ending and inconclusive endings, or just dropping it into thin air much like a coen brothers film. i think that's why i enjoyed it so much. i actually thought the humor and twisted plot correlates with 'fargo' pretty well, would you agree? obviously not the same thing but the tone and just edge of it. *beep* loved it though.


I didn't think this was Coen-esque at all. If you want to see a recent film that IS, and is also much better than Big Bad Wolves, see Ning Hao's NO MAN'S LAND (2013).


It reminded me of Blood Simple more than once.
