MovieChat Forums > Mi Mefakhed Mehaze'ev Hara (2013) Discussion > The girl behind the f... (SPOILERS)

The girl behind the f... (SPOILERS)

The girl behind the fake wall it's NOT Micki's daughter. It's Tali, Dror's (the teacher) daughter.
He picked her up from ballet, gave her a cake (which contained sedatives)and her present, a bike. We can see in the last scene that bike with a big ribbon on it and that her earrings are the same with the ones in her ballet rehearsal.


The girl in the ballet scene WAS Micki's daughter.


That's what they wanted you to think. The film did a great job of confusing the viewer as to whether or not the Dror was guilty or not. Whether that was his daughter or not. They kept giving us clues to suggest both.

We never saw Dror or Micki's daughter to be conclusive. But I think the small twist at the end sealed the deal, IMO it was Micki's daughter. Dror wanted to get back at the officer for beating and stalking him.



Your scenario would definitely have made for a thought-provoking twist, but it's pretty obvious that it's not the case, unless you're suggesting that the teacher, disgruntled after having been labeled a killer, built a secret room in his house where he managed to somehow drug the cop's daughter using the same method as the killer, a method which had most likely not been disclosed to the general public. Also, for someone who hadn't hidden severed heads in the vicinity, he sure had a good recollection of the fan placement in abandoned green houses.


It's much simpler than that. The teacher has always been the killer. He just chose to kill the cop's daughter for revenge, but he really killed the previous girl too. Do you think he just made the secret room with the fake wall ? Did you not notice how his ex wife didn't want him to ever approach his daughter ? Did you not notice how he stood in the park watching young girls ?

He was always guilty, the movie just made us assume that the ballerina girl was his daughter and that the cake was for her birthday, when actually it was the cop's daughter.


Dror was a killer of all girls... the hidden or fake room tells you everything... if there wasn't a hidden room... it could imply he wanted to revenge, because of being accused of something he didn't do.




Pay attention to the girl's body. She hasn't been raped, her fingers aren't broken, her toenails aren't ripped out. I'd wager a strangle job.

This was a revenge killing, pure and simple.


She hasn't been raped

Come on. There's absolutely no way to tell by just looking at her from a distance, lying face-down on a bed.

her fingers aren't broken, her toenails aren't ripped out.

I think she hasn't been mutilated yet because (according to the "story" we're told about the murderer's MO) he'd drug his victims, rape them while they're still unconscious and start to torture and mutilate them only after they had woken up again. What that final shot suggests to me is that he had managed to drug her with the cake (as we saw in the flashback/intercut), but never got a chance to actually finish her off due to the kidnapping.


finally, someone gets it. you're the first person who explained the ending the way I thought was obvious. He drugged her but because he was caught by the three musketeers, he never got to finish the job.


Obviously it's meant to be vague throughout, while the end of the film heavily implies that it is the cop's daughter. However...

If the girl is in fact Micki's daughter and Dror has abducted her, why is she smiling at him in the cake scene? I find it hard to believe that she was so happy to receive cake that it overcame the fear of being abducted by a maniac.

Also, Dror says something in the scene where they speak in the basement - while the father is talking to his insufferable mother - that adds to the confusion. After his "you're a father, aren't you?" speech he says to Micki "I just want to go home to my daughter". Sure, this could be a twisted way of saying that he wants to get home to his victim. But he could also be telling the truth. One more detail that suggests the girl in his apartment could be his own daughter.

It's all up to interpretation, but it made me question the true identity of the girl.


The girl behind the fake wall it's NOT Micki's daughter.
No it's Micki's daughter. As the wife explains on the phone to Micki, she never came home from ballet practice and as you note, she's lying in a secret room.🐭


The scene where he goes to see the girl at the ballet practice is there to play us. We see him watch a girl while speaking on the phone about his daughter, making us assume the girl is his daughter.
It is not before the end that we learn that Micki's daughter was at a ballet lesson. Someone claiming he was her father came and get her. But if Micki is not aware of that, that means it's someone else (Dror, then)
And then you'll remember that Dror mentions to Micki "You have a daughter too". How could he know that if he hadn't done his research?
the girl in a tutu is Micki's daughter. she's hidden behind a fake wall that Dror hasn't built overnight for revenge. It was his base of operation from the very start.

and when I read this : "I find it hard to believe that she was so happy to receive cake that it overcame the fear of being abducted by a maniac"
Come on, she's a KID. Kids trust people, more easily than grown ups. That's the point of fairy tales like red riding hood, telling kids that they should not trust people they don't know.
