The scene where he goes to see the girl at the ballet practice is there to play us. We see him watch a girl while speaking on the phone about his daughter, making us assume the girl is his daughter.
It is not before the end that we learn that Micki's daughter was at a ballet lesson. Someone claiming he was her father came and get her. But if Micki is not aware of that, that means it's someone else (Dror, then)
And then you'll remember that Dror mentions to Micki "You have a daughter too". How could he know that if he hadn't done his research?
the girl in a tutu is Micki's daughter. she's hidden behind a fake wall that Dror hasn't built overnight for revenge. It was his base of operation from the very start.
and when I read this : "I find it hard to believe that she was so happy to receive cake that it overcame the fear of being abducted by a maniac"
Come on, she's a KID. Kids trust people, more easily than grown ups. That's the point of fairy tales like red riding hood, telling kids that they should not trust people they don't know.