MovieChat Forums > Reasonable Doubt (2014) Discussion > Samuel L. Jackson needs to go into semi-...

Samuel L. Jackson needs to go into semi-retirement

Seriously can this guy have a break from acting? It looks like he is trying to take every role he can get for whatever reason. I can't see him needing more money. I mean he is currently completing more than 10 different movies that will be released over the next two years. He has become over-saturated. This movie looks like some cheapo B-movie serial killer of the week crap. It might have worked in the 90's but at this stage in his career, I'm sure he can afford to be a little more selective with the roles he takes.

If insane outnumbered sane, would sane then be considered insane?


Maybe he just genuinely enjoys acting and just wants to be very active.

Although I do agree, he knocks out some awful films.


I think Tarantino once said that Jackson doesn't act for a living, he lives for acting, or something like that. Apparently, right after finishing one project, he's doing the next. I don't think it has much to do with money either. I think he just wants to act in movies.


Bingo. It's also nice we can simply not watch something he's in if we don't want too isn't it? :)

Feel me?


Also, on Conan or Letterman (I forget), he talked about how he was used to seeing the people in his family work all the time when he was a kid. So as a kid he grew up believing that adults work almost all of the time, and that is why he works almost all of the time.

