Why did he drive?

I get why Mitch drove his car back home, that was a plausible reason (dumb move but plausible). What I don't get is why he drove there in the first place? His wife says to him "you promised to take a cab" so that suggests he knew he was going to get drunk and not be able to drive home. So why did he drive there in the first place? Wouldn't the smarter option have been to get a cab there? Or get the guys he was going out drinking with to pick him up? Or even have his wife drive him there drop him off and then drive home.

It just seems silly to me that, they would set up a plausible reason why he would drive home drunk, but have no plausible reason for him needing to drive there in the first place.


That was the first bad decision of the whole storyline. The second was to then leave the car alone by the roadside instead of within a guarded parking area.
Also wondering about this idle laptop that's able to access highly privileged information, but doesn't even have a secure password...


There seems to be a lot of illogical choices made in this movie.


They all drove there. Mitch and his buddies. Also note that Mitch is the last to leave. So it seems like he drove to save face, and planned on calling the cab when they were all gone. The plan being that the next morning, his wife would drop him off at his car and he could drive it into work.

That's my take at least. He's basically a politician. He's a prosecutor, but he wants to be DA, maybe one day a judge. To get into the 'good old boy network' and stay there, you gotta front, can't bow to the missus.

I realize it's a plot hole and I'm making excuses for it, but they're reasonable excuses.

I don't like the fact that he's out drinking at all when he's got a baby at home. The wife is making enormous sacrifices (losing sleep) and Mitch only once offers to take the baby. He isn't a good father at all, based on what we've seen.

- Dark Reality


Still you see how unsure he is about leaving his car there, then he sees the guys checking it out and he decides stuff it I'll drive. He must have thought about this beforehand as well. It really just doesn't make sense for him to have drove there.

In the end this movie is just a mess overall anyway lol.


Dark Reality:
You're incorrect with your "take" on this scenario. 1st, he wasn't with his "buddies" he was with co-workers, 2nd, Mitch didn't leave last they all left together. 3rd, he told his co-workers that he was getting a cab. He decided not to because it seemed that the group of guys were looking to steal his SUV. 4th, he wasn't "out drinking". He told his wife that it was a work function. And 5th, it's amazing how much you're reading into this character! A politician, a DA, a Judge?? Where in the movie is this suggested? lol!! And the movie only offers a couple scenes where there's an opportunity to help with the baby. And he does offer to help. Ugh! Your observations are awful!


We see they all took the cab home except him. She wasn't expecting to see his truck in the garage. So it's evident they all drove in his truck together for the boys night out with the plan to all take the cab home.

Hurricane Lenore. Sounds like some old-maid-aunt that's coming to kick your ass.


And ontop of that, he could've called the cops and told them that he was too drunk to drive, but that he saw some dudes getting ready to steal his car... and any good cop would've offered to drive him home while the cops partner would've driven Mitch's car home.

Simply put, Mitch was an idiot.


Not even close to reality if he had called local law enforcement and told them he was to drunk to drive home he would have been arrested for public intoxication his car would have been towed to the impound yard and he would have been made a laughing stock at the DA's office and would likely have been demoted or out right fired.



Well Mitch HAD PLANNED to call a cab.
but then he just saw some hooligans were around his car, trying to steal or break or sabotage it.
so at the last moment he chose to take risk and drove his car back home.


Yeah I know that, but that's not the point I was making. My point was why did he even drive there in the first place if he knew he might end up unable to drive home.


Natsu21, It doesn't make sense for him to have even planned to leave his car in that spot overnight for very long. I don't know Chicago but I know other big cities. Many streets like that don't allow daytime parking(extreme example would be 6am-6pm)Mondays through Fridays to help reduce congestion during business hours. Like what a previous poster said, once he knew that he was out for the night drinking, he should have found an overnight parking garage nearby.

Eram quod es, eris quod sum


As someone mentioned above, all sorts of possibilities still exist. He may have been running late, and wanted to watch a game with the rest of his mates, so decided, however unwisely, to just "park it here" for a couple of hours, and sort out what to do when he got out. Perhaps also he had planned not to drink so much (common for alcoholics who think they are in control) so he could just drive home and surprise the Mrs that he came home sober for a change. While making decisions about your safety, car, and career AFTER you are drunk is dumb, it happens quite a lot.

