MovieChat Forums > Reasonable Doubt (2014) Discussion > Plot hole when Jimmy testifies (spoilers...

Plot hole when Jimmy testifies (spoilers)

Maybe I missed something in the movie, but how can Jimmy testify in court that he "saw" a hit-and-run driver when he was still in prison when Mitch hit Ackerman? The diner scene where Mitch tells Jimmy that he his Ackerman and that Davis was in his house and asks for his help happens after the trial. What does Jimmy gain from letting Davis go if he has no idea that his brother actually committed the crime?


You're right ... I'd have to rewatch the movie to make sure Jimmy didn't know something about Mitch's issues before the trial. In fact, to me it was never clear what prompted Jimmy to testify. In fact, I didn't think that was Jimmy. But, anyway, because of Mitch's evident disdain for Jimmy, I took it rather as Jimmy trying to rehabilitate himself a little in the eyes of his brother ... although why then was he not prosecuted?


This confused me too. Someone on a thread somewhere else said it gets explained in a deleted scene, so, I guess that's why we were confused. How did the brother know to lie in his defense? At that point, the main character hadn't told anyone. And yes, how would they not check into the fact that he was still in prison at the time? huh? It was so washed over that I too thought "Well wait, maybe that wasn't the brother..." but then later they verified it was. Weirdness


I think the audience is supposed to assume that Mitch told Jimmy the situation before Jimmy testified, even if Mitch didn't know Jimmy was going to claim that he was the 911 caller (because Mitch seemed surprised when he did).

But you have a great point about Jimmy being locked up when he supposedly made the phone call. I believe Mitch even got a collect call from Jimmy in prison that day.


I agree with OP overall, but I think it could have been possible that Jimmy called Mitch to pick him up for his release. If it was at the prison in the city, Jimmy *could* have been released that night, after calling Mitch. It would TOTALLY be cutting it close for him to witness the alleged hit and run with the red SUV, but not entirely impossible.

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