Why the Film Doesn't Work

Friends, the problem was the unbelievable main character.

He doesnt look like a DA. He looks like someone from Limey Land. Look at his eyes friends. And his face.

And listen to his voice.

It didn't work for me friends.

One star for Sam Jackson. Otherwise zero out of ten.



Well its simple a DA from the wrong side of the tracks. They touched on that fact... his speech n the fact that he had two lives.


That's the only thing you found wrong with this thing? A poor casting choice? This movie had so many plot holes it was amazing they just didn't say 'F@#$ it' and make it a comedy.
It was also just plain trite and predictable....pretty much a drawn out Law And Order episode.


The biggest problem was the Jackson character going after an innocent person.

Its that man again!!


Yeah I thought at least the protagonist would plead to him by pointing out he's never killed anyone innocent. You'd think he'd have a problem with that. It might at least give him pause. But nope. He's totally prepared to murder a woman and baby, even though that's what he found so unacceptable it drove him to serial killing.


He's not a DA, what are you talking about


What is a D.A Supposed to look like? The OP watches too much law and order. Plus... he wasn't the DA
