MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Question for book readers...

Question for book readers...

Who does Cassie end up with? The best friend or that other guy?

I have never read (but I did check out the babes of each book. And got to admit; they sound intersting. I love the title Jabes. Infinite Sea. The Last Star. Very cool babes. Almost makes me curious to read them... Almost.) nor seen the movie, but my cousin loves the movie (she's never read the books). She said that she likes Cassie with the best friend not the new guy. Now I'm curious: who does she end up with at the end end of the series?


Neither. She slowly started to lose interest in Ben (Nick Robinson) after the waves and all and she literally starts hating Evan (Alex Roe) in the second one and still hates him in the third one. Like literally with passion.


In the very end she ends up with Evan and Ben ends up with Ringer.
