MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > How stupid is this movie?

How stupid is this movie?

Millennials vs aliens,thats a good one.Stealing lines from the movie stripes.Hmmm? Well since their phones don't work i imagine they couldn't manage to wipe their own asses.And the Goth chick taking over drill sergent duties was a hoot.These people would *beep* themselves if they had a gun pointed at them.


"These people would *beep* themselves if they had a gun pointed at them."

These people who'd lived through earthquakes that killed lots of people they know, who lived through a disease that killed some more, who lived through tidal waves that drowned their homes, who might even have been shot at by either others in disguise or humans who'd thought THEY were others?

In context, I can believe these folks can be made into useful troops, however ONLY minus the issues I pointed out I would otherwise agree with you. By this point they've been living without electricity and clean water for a while.


In context, I can believe these folks can be made into useful troops, however ONLY minus the issues I pointed out I would otherwise agree with you. By this point they've been living without electricity and clean water for a while.

Is this the first world version of "apocalypse"?

No electricity, no clean water? Herp derp, start raising kids into armies for teh war. Suddenly whole "civilized" world turns into Africa.. worse than Africa, judging by The Walking Dead scenario. 😂

So basically, if alien invasion or zombie apocalypse happens, best place to be would be some third world country where people are already used to surviving like this. Being with crazy first worlder's armed to the teeth is probably a bad idea.


"So basically, if alien invasion or zombie apocalypse happens, best place to be would be some third world country where people are already used to surviving like this."

Actually....yeah, pretty much. There are some high mountainous areas in China that don't have electricity, where they drink from fresh springs and eat what they grow. Whilst these guys would have no idea that anything had even happened, the earth could find itself a new home for the others.

Also, you said:

"No electricity, no clean water? Herp derp, start raising kids into armies for teh war. Suddenly whole "civilized" world turns into Africa.. worse than Africa, judging by The Walking Dead scenario."

Isn't that ALREADY happening in Africa?
