MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Just another FEMALE power fantasy

Just another FEMALE power fantasy

The macho woman BS is strong in this turd. The girl with racoon eyes, punches a guy after he comes on to you? CHECK. Beat up a male in a sparring session? CHECK (of course the guy can only take her down AFTER she takes him down). Save the groups life by being the macho girl? CHECK. Figure out the "secret" that's obvious before any male could? CHECK.

The SJW's of the world keep churning out this kind of 1 dimensional women save the day garbage and the females just eat it up. Get over the macho woman fantasy ladies it's not real. And you watch this female power porn and try to act tough in the real world bad things will happen.

Just ANOTHER man in distress film, oh women please rescue us helpless men!!!


Obama got 43% of the white vote, McCain got 5% of the black vote. Who's the racist again?


As a female...i agree
I actually sympathise with the young male generation these days, so much pressure to emasculate themselves to feel,you dont need to be a sexist aggresive pig but take pride in being a man i say..i love men




LOL! Try sounding more beta male, bruh


Can't get laid, huh?


Guess you can relate, huh?


Right?... because if it was reversed like most action/sci-fi movies usually are then it would have been "Just another MALE power fantasy" but you wouldn't be complaining about that would you?

Go be sexist man-pig scum penis monster masculinist douche somewhere else. There are only two genders so sometimes the hero/main character is going to be female and sometimes it will be male. I don't know why sexist pigs like you only want to see other men and be around other men, it seems kinda gay to me.

And by the way, Ringer hitting that masculinazi pig in the throat for his sexist demeaning remark was awesome and certainly a high point of the film. It is great that she stood up for herself and if more women were to put men in their place when they step out of line, society would be a much better place.

*To all the typical masculinist scum on IMDB*
-"Your ridiculous and mens rights is nothing"


Its cool that you advocate violence against men but preach equality. Pretty easy to see right through your crap.

And "putting them in place when they get out of line" sounds exactly like what an abusive husband would say. Great job.


And "putting them in place when they get out of line" sounds exactly like what an abusive husband would say. Great job.

Haha, that's so true. When I first read that I thought the exact same thing.


There's a whole lot of name calling going on here. Typical. If you're going to do that, at least use proper grammar:

*To all the typical masculinist scum on IMDB*
Your ridiculous and mens rights is nothing.

*To all the typical masculinist scum on IMDB*:
You're ridiculous and men's rights are nothing.

Here is some help as to the difference between your and you're:
As with they’re, you’re is the contraction of you are. If you can use you are in a sentence, you can use you’re. Your is used to describe something belonging to or about someone, i.e. Your car is locked. If you type you are car is locked, this sounds wrong because it is wrong, so don’t type you’re car is locked. As with their/there/they’re, you can also use these two in a sentence:
You’re going to appreciate the response from your use of proper grammar.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


And by the way, Ringer hitting that masculinazi pig in the throat for his sexist demeaning remark was awesome and certainly a high point of the film.

You're an idiot. You cannot hit someone for saying something demeaning. That guy should have punched her in the face, but of course the viewers with small brains like yours would be appalled.



The I the books were really ghost written by Rick Yancey's wife. As no man could write this kind of garbage.


If you are watching a movie about a girl saving the world from aliens and the the part of that statement that is too fantastical for you to suspend your disbelief is the part about the girl saving the world and not that part about the aliens you ARE a sexist. So go pedal your hate somewhere else or better yet shut up because no one's interested.


Girls? Since when have girls ever done anything of value?

That's the biggest part where I simply have to call BS.

I mean, who built this civilization? Not little girls...

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Awwww....did this move threaten your tiny balls?


Seems like the comments here threaten your bitter, angry, dried-out vajayjay. 👭


The girl with racoon eyes, punches a guy after he comes on to you?

I thought someone would have said to her, "Lighten up, Francis!"


I thought someone would have said to her, "Lighten up, Francis!"

LOL. Some of her lines (Don't touch me.) were almost spot-on to Psycho. I was waiting for the same thing. They're all too young to have enjoyed Stripes (1981).

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Holy *beep* you're right! How can a weak, dumb, female do anything as good as a male? I mean, seriously, no female has ever been good for anything but crying and hiding behind a big strong male while he saves the world! Like, duh!!
-Sarcasm, in case you were too busy protecting all those helpless females to figure that out-
