MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Got to be the most predictable, cliched ...

Got to be the most predictable, cliched BS in a long while *spoiler*

Who DIDN'T see the twist coming a mile off? I'd halfway made my mind when the army killed all the adults and no one bothered to ask them how their vehicles were working, then was 99% sure when Maria Bello's character was putting the chips in the kids.

It also fell pretty flat at the end too, no pay off, and Ray Donovan was massively underused in this. Bleh.


Good for Chloë Grace Moretz in that she gets a lead in a "major" movie, and she does well in this film. But yes this is a cliched mishmash, with yet another group of teenagers taking care of business a la Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, but they are all better films, throw in some wish fulfillment - Alien agent is reminded of human love by her and it seems almost like Twilight and I am number 4. Have seen it all before done better, open ending to facilitate the inevitable sequel(s), potential love triangle coming up (yawn).


The book was great but the casting adaptation and directing was awful. Awful.


it was overly long and drawn out.
