1. It takes invaders 13 minutes to take over the white house and our response time is only 15 min. 2. You don't fire the guy that saves your life from your car going over the edge just because he couldn't save your wife. 3. The US Treasury is really that close to the white house. 4. An effective way of killing someone a knife to their head 5. The president needs a better password for the missile defense system if they hacked it in only a few hours 6. Leave it to the Admiral to blame the guy that just took out many highly trained men that he should stand down after that man told you to pull the Navy seals back 7. I would vote for Morgan Freeman 8. There are way to many secret plans on the internet of the white house 9. The leaders of our country have potty mouths 10. It is smart to stand in the door way shooting at someone that has a Gatling gun 11. The secret service doesn't believe in bullet proof vests
Come on there has to be more then this that people found out that I missed
138. There is no difference between North Korea and South Korea. They are all just Koreans. 139. All Asian actors and actresses can portray North Koreans and speak Korean without terrible accents. 140. Hispanic actors can pass for playing North Korean/Asian terrorists. 141. There are no differences between North Korean and South Korean dialects. 142. A foreign Caucasian actor can play an American hero, but an American of Asian descent cannot; he must play the villain. 143. There is no such thing as an American of Asian descent.
- Even Google locks you out if you enter yours password wrong few times in a row; how could the terrorists run that kind of decryption method to find the president's password.
- Nukes would only activated if a nuclear chain reaction initiates the reactive material, any other explosion would just trigger the ordinary explosives not the nuclear agent. In the movie, they clear stated that the self-destroying feature was to destroy the nuclear missile in order to prevent the nuclear explosion!
I love these threads, but I rarely contribute. For this movie however, there are just too many..
145. A software development company which wants to win contracts from US government should focus on graphical interface rather than security.
146. F22s can only engage targets within visual range but they will use long-range missiles to do so.
147. Flare and chaff counter-measures are very effective even against a SAM launcher few yards away.
148. And (as always) ground-air and air-air missiles are actually impact weapons like early WW2 torpedoes and need to actually slam in to their target in full force to destroy it, if you make them detonate their 20+kg payload few meters away, you're ok.
149. F22s no longer show radar output on their multifunctinal displays, rotating wireframe model of the locked target is more useful.
150. In a hostage situation, attempt to insert operatives asap, before the terrorists forbid it. Those that manage to enter that way will be free to roam around and provide intel.
151. Once you get on Mike Banning's bad side, don't turn back, he WILL run a knife through your brain anyway.
152. Long range anti-aircraft missiles are obsolete and short-range gunpowder weapons are in the making (again) to replace them.
153. Standard procedure for unescorted transport helicopters with SF teams on board is to engage any anti-air battery encountered.
154. When facing heavy machine gun fire, run at it and hope the dead bodies of your teammates will build cover for you, if proven wrong, turn your back at it and run.
155. Jobs of most members of a crisis committee is to sift through papers and express the same emotion as their boss.
156. When the presidents wife + agents drop from a bridge do not act as if every second counts for their survival, just sit down and look at eachother with a sad face.
157. To blow a hole in the fence surrounding the white house you need to blow yourself up instead of placing charges and get down.
158. Sigarette smoke will not get you noticed when creeping around. Just light one up if your nervous.
159. Dump trucks need to blow their tires before they become a decent firing base.
157. To blow a hole in the fence surrounding the white house you need to blow yourself up instead of placing charges and get down.
He had to blow himself up because Banning had already shot the partner he had with him. He wouldn't have had time to successfully make an entryway for the ground troops if Banning had stopped him.
159. Dump trucks need to blow their tires before they become a decent firing base.
The tires were blown up so that the trucks couldn't be moved. They were used as a wall to buy the ground team more time to enter The White House.
165. The White House has insurance 166. They can smuggle a person out of the white house, but not send reinforcements in the same way (ventilation shaft)
167. The most secure building in the world is the White House, not the Pentagon 168. The AC-130's gatling guns can magically shoot everywhere at once 169. When a car drives off a bridge, the passengers' chances of survival are zero 170. The side walls of a bridge cannot withstand the force of a moving vehicle 171. The United States does negotiate with terrorists 172. The President is very serious about his coffee 173. A nurse can talk on the phone in a national emergency 174. A president getting shot is no big deal
175. Nuclear strike can be aborted by three top people in White House, but it has a countdown and can be cancelled by anyone from pentagon who has enough strength to break the seal.
175. When you think the president is dead don't try to access the White House with a SWAT team to make sure the atomic bomb computer is secure or that the president is not still inside. 176. Don't use the most obvious entrance with no bomb on it - the door that a secretary just walked out of. And don't help the good guy inside the WH when he tells you the president is still inside the WH. 177. If the bad guys have the president and the choice is between saving the presidents life (maybe) and South Korea getting destroyed make sure to save the president. Who gives a beep about some Asian country anyway? USA will negotiate with terrorists willy nilly. 178. Invite a lot of security forces you have never seen before to your bunker. Don't just take the South Korean president with you. Take a bunch of foreign people with you into the area where they can potentially kill million of Americans by accessing the computer there. 179. When decisions are made that could lead to WW3 just let the temporary president take all the big decisions. Speak your mind in an serious and angry tone and then let him think about it while looking at him. Don't brainstorm on the ideas. He will have to be the one making the decisions about the army and the captured president. After all, he has been president for several minutes, basically a dictator by now.