MovieChat Forums > Return of the Jedi (1983) Discussion > The Change made to the ending...

The Change made to the ending...

When Luke sees the spirits of Darth, Obi Wan and Yoda, Darth has been replaced by the young Anakin Skywalker, which would make sense in a way, but why does Obi Wan still look old instead of like Ewan MacGregor? Does anyone know why they did this?


You make a good point of might as well add-in Ewan Macgregor in place of older Alec Guinness which maybe was less necessary since Alec was a part of all three movies in the original trilogy. Perhaps this will be done in the future...


I always thought of it as young Anakin was the last time he WAS Anakin before becoming Darth Vader and now as he had returned to being Anakin his force ghost became that former image.
