MovieChat Forums > Nathan for You (2013) Discussion > I wish I would have seen this show soone...

I wish I would have seen this show sooner

I just found out about this show and for the life of me I could not stop watching. While I always remain skeptical when watching anything on TV, for the most part they have done a great job at making the reactions in this show look genuine, regardless of whether or not they were all completely staged.

There were some exceptions that stuck out to me though. It looked like the security guards were obviously acting during the Summer Santa episode. The one that kept dogging the camera and trying to pick a fight especially seemed like he was playing it up for TV. Through most of the show I had no problem suspending disbelief for the sake of getting a good laugh, but certain parts like that one and pretty much the entire finale were quick to pull me out of that mindset.

I have no idea just how much of the show was fake as opposed to how much of the reactions in the show were genuine, so on that note I would still call it a success, never mind the fact that it was comically brilliant and wildly entertaining to watch.


Seems pretty legit to me. I was reading some of the tweets by one of the girls who was an extra inThe Web. At the time she was tweeting how excited she was to meet Johnny Depp haha


She is @Miss_Karter

She's a good sport!


> never mind the fact that it was comically brilliant and wildly entertaining to watch.

Sometimes the show hits a bit of a sour note for me. Most of the store owners seem like nice people with businesses that are teetering on the verge of success and just need a little help to get there. Nathan comes along with an idea or two that ends up being bad publicity for the business in the long run. I think he actually hurts these businesses rather than helps them, all in the name of a few laughs for TV.

For example, the headstone advertising a local pet shop. Anyone that comes into the shop as a result of the headstone is going to curse out the owner and never buy anything. That poor woman is probably going to end up paying thousands of dollars to have the headstone removed.

And the gift shop where he tricked people into buying hundreds of dollars worth of trinkets because they thought they'd be in a movie. Some people might laugh it off, but most are going to be pissed off. And the stunt did nothing to encourage repeat or new business.

Some of his "fixes" turn out to be harmless and the owners can shrug it off and move on with their business no worse for the wear. But, he actually does harm some of them.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?




And some of the businesses actually thrive due to his suggestions! The King of Sting is still alive and well.

Nathan doesn't ever trick these people, and if he does, the business will have legal recourse.

Nathan seems like a good guy. I doubt any of the businesses suffer at his hands.


> Nathan doesn't ever trick these people, and if he does, the business will have legal recourse.

So, in the episode where he talked people outside a souvenir shop into being "extras" in a film if they bought an armload of useless nick-nacks, that wasn't blatant trickery?

I think I disagree.

> I doubt any of the businesses suffer at his hands.

Most of the business owners seem smart enough to smell a rat and they approach Nathan's "solutions" with caution. And, when Nathan and the film crew walk out the door, the owners probably abandon the changes.

Like the one guy who used a polygraph machine to give estimates for auto repair. You can't convince me that the guy bought a polygraph machine and hired an operator to give his estimates after Nathan left.

So, it is true that Nathan didn't hurt the owner's business. But, he didn't help.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Well, 1. The whole angle of that episode was that he DID trick them and him trying to avoid any potential legal action against him. In most cases he is upfront about his ideas, which are crazy, and the owners agree to try them.
