MovieChat Forums > Nathan for You (2013) Discussion > Please don't cancel this show

Please don't cancel this show

I stumbled upon this show late night when I couldn't sleep and I couldn't stop laughing. Didn't help me sleep, but was worth it finding a new show. I really hope they don't cancel it because it's awesome.


Yeah I'm really hoping we get at least one more season.


I agree. It's a dry sense of humor that I don't think a lot of people understand. But I love it!


We get 10 more episodes :D


It's all about ratings. CC is not going to keep doing a show with low ratings no matter how funny and great it is. Look at what happend the Sarah Silverman Program.


Sarah got 3 seasons. CC does not have any shows that are good in the ratings. Daily Show, Colbert and Tosh.0 do good enough for them, and I'm sure South Park does too when it is on.

CC's problem is they cancel shows like these after 1 season. It's like they are waiting to hit it out of the park or cancel it immediately. Other than Tosh.0, they haven't had a hit in years. Workaholics had a very promising first season but has severely dwindled in quality. But the ratings must he holding.

Jeselnik Offensive and Nathan are the only renewals I can think of recently. Not sure what happened to Brickleberry. There is an interesting interview with Michael Ian Black about how CC dealt with Michael and Michael Have Issues--basically the show was exactly what they said it would be, they exceeded ratings predictions for the first season, and still got cancelled.

At least CC sees Nathan is a quality show and they are trying to invest in it.


I totally agree!!! Please don't cancel this show! I could not stop laughing!
