MovieChat Forums > Nathan for You (2013) Discussion > Two styles of Nathan For You Episodes

Two styles of Nathan For You Episodes

If you're a fan of Nathan For You, you can categorize each episode in one of two styles:

STYLE 1: The entire episode is devoted to 1 single story. Example: The Movement episode

STYLE 2: The episode consists of 2 or 3 subplots.
Example: The overweight horseback riding + Summit Ice jacket

Which style do you prefer and why?


They are both great. The one-business episodes are generally more epic and zany, but the three-business episodes somehow don't feel watered down or underwhelming. I mean, baby goat rescues baby pig was a shorter installment and that is not only my favorite but possibly his most well known stunt.


He used Style #1 for "Smokers Alllowed" and it was effective and hilarious! The whole episode was devoted to just that one business.
