Can someone please explain to me why is movie is so despised?
First off, I will say - I am a huge Muppet fan. So maybe my opinion is a bit biased. But with that said, I think this is a really good movie. It's far from the best Muppet film and there are things I would change but the critical consensus the film has - not as good as the 2011 film, but still satisfying as a follow-up. However, I do not understand at all why the general public despises this movie the way they do. I've heard this compared to Spider-Man 3, Batman & Robin... I legitimately don't get it. Furthermore, it seems like after one movie people have went from welcoming the Muppets back with open arms to flat-out despising the characters. What were people expecting? I guess I shouldn't expect too much since we let Adam Sandler and CG chipmunks become cultural phenomenons. But I don't get why this movie is being as seen as being so terrible. Dislike the movie, sure, but it has no place on a "worst movies ever" list.