Oh no, Rayna will be

raped at knife-point. Just look at the promo, it is obvious. She can call Deacon after the attack. If the stalker hurt her with the knife, it would be probably the police/hospital calling him, but it is Rayna who makes the call, clearly traumatised and in tears.


I hope not! I started binging on this 2 weeks ago. I am now up to date and feel like episode 7 was the best ever episode it is where I wanted Rayna and Deacon to be since the start and now they got there, something has to obviously ruin it but hope it won't be so traumatic that it brings it to a stop!


I think Rayna will lean on Deacon for support especially if she called him first, but you know that Deacon will be heartbroken, pissed off at the same time wanting to kill this rapist pig BUT he will DO the right thing and call the police and get Rayna to the hospital right away; she will need a rape-kit done, police report... OMG I hope it doesn't happen to her but this stalking story line has been building up. I don't think she will push Deacon away, she will be traumatized of course but Deacon will never leave her side, Rayna is his whole world, she always has been and Rayna adores him as well but she will be going thru a lot of emotions after this.


What???? What part of next week's promo indicates raping at knife point???

Easy Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.


Nevermind. I just saw it.

Easy Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.


Might be, that or stabbed but not instantly fatal. But I think those are 2 most likely things to happen.


I've watched the promo and can't see anything like what you guys have mentioned.. it's the 31 second promo right? I don't see any sign of raping at knifepoint. Is there another promo video that you are referring to?
