MovieChat Forums > Contracted (2013) Discussion > So you work in food service..

So you work in food service..

But your boss doesn't send you home and still lets you handle food and serve customers after you tell him you have pink eye? Was the script written by a 15 year old? Suspension of disbelief and all, but NO.

In fact, this entire film is a big ol' bag of NO.

"Stupid closet full of bugs!!"


but the week before she had leprosy , but the boss made her work in the burger mixing department....

givemebackthelast1136.789wastedsecondsofmylife---- Better to be born DUMB Lucky than intelligent


I worked at McDonalds when I was 17, on the grill.

I had a bad burn on my finger from days before that was infected and dripping puss.

My boss saw it and was completely grossed out by it, then told me to get to work.

Even after I realized that my puss filled bandaid fell off and was nowhere to be found (I've always assumed it became a condiment on someone's burger) I was told to be quiet and hope no one notices it.

So.... YES, she'd likely be working with pink eye.

"What the customers don't know, is good for business"


You can tell OP never worked in the service industry. Management don't give a *beep* about anything but the bottom line.
