MovieChat Forums > Contracted (2013) Discussion > The stupid couple in the restaurant and ...

The stupid couple in the restaurant and the restaurant manager

First things first; this movie had the dumbest characters across the board from any film from any genre I've ever seen. In fact, his film is so horrible it's almost brilliant. The part that was most painful to watch was the scene in the restaurant after her illness cannot be confused with anything but a contagion. The manager asks her to come in spite of the fact she tells him she's sick. This might be understandable if it was a greasy spoon, but the establishment as it was portrayed in the film was upscale.

As if that wasn't enough, once she shows up she starts preparing a salad with no gloves, bloody fingernails, and her hair falling out. Once the manager shows up, he doesn't react with the horror that one would upon seeing her. He dismisses her bloody eyes and cadaverous appearance as pink eye. In fact, no one in the entire film reacts the way a normal person would when confronted with someone who looks like a rotting, talking corpse.

She serves drinks and the salads to two patrons played by the worst actors in the world (which isn't saying much because pretty much all the acting in this movie stinks). Rather than being mortified that they're being waited on by someone with rotting flesh who has handled their food, they shake their heads in annoyance and eat anyway. Moments later, the female patron screams upon finding a fingernail in her food.

However, the scene that follows is the manager trying to calm them down and the woman no longer seems panicked, but annoyed, and her husband just shakes his head as if he just stepped in dog crap. The level of bad characterization and writing in this film reaches new heights in unbelievability. Basically, it was an interesting idea executed very poorly.

You're such a mess, the train wreck stops to watch you!


Yep, I agree with everything you said. I imagine the restaurant was shut down immediately following the events in this film...

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"


It makes me wonder why a restaurant owner would even allow their establishment to be shown in a film where cleanliness standards and sanitation take a flying leap out the window, unless it was filmed in a restaurant that was closed. Odd too that no one mentioned the bloody employee toilet and no concern as to which of the wait staff did that.

It would be hard to believe that the character of Samantha would be a valued commodity in a restaurant setting even without the disease. She had no personality or charisma at all which is kind of needed in a job where you have to have people skills. In fact, she was so flat that I felt no sympathy for her at all when she literally began to fall apart. She didn't seem whole to begin with.

You're such a mess, the train wreck stops to watch you!


Your entire post is point on. It was some of the most pathetic acting and characterization I've ever seen.

In fact, no one in the entire film reacts the way a normal person would when confronted with someone who looks like a rotting, talking corpse.
Exactly. Especially Riley. He couldn't wait to poke her. Was he so horny that he didn't notice all the issues she was having? Just pathetic writing all the way around.


Riley's character was especially unbelievable. Even the nerdiest, most unattractive of my guy friends would never be so hard up as to want to tap someone who was so obviously infected with something so horrible. Actually, none of them, nor myself would even want to do it with someone who had the flu no matter how hot they were because it's just gross.

It was inconceivable that Riley, with his sandy-blonde tousled hair, great smile, and pretty blue eyes would be so desperate as to do something like that. If his character was a junkie or some random crazy person she ran across in an alley then maybe I could see it, but not someone like Riley who could probably have any girl he wanted. Of course, he wasn't the only one in her circle that was able to look past her rapidly deteriorating body long enough to want to have sex with her. Come to think of it, the only one who didn't seem to want to get it on with her was her girlfriend, a character so vile that it's hard to believe they ever would have been together in the first place.

You're such a mess, the train wreck stops to watch you!


I absolutely caught on to the restaurant patrons too. They were so bad it was like watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers, no emotion. Samantha looks like death warmed over and they only muster a slight concerned look. I was expecting them to be mortified or the very least uneasy.

And like you mentioned about the scream; you hear it, then when they show the woman it's as if she was never bothered. I expected to see her visibly upset and maybe even trembling. Nope. She got her scream out then she was all good.


I was revisiting old posts since the message board is going bye-bye and just ran across your reply. It looks like this movie has been reviewed a lot since I posted about it. I watched the sequel. Why? I don't know. The writers for this franchise apparently don't pay attention to things people on the message boards notice. They made the same stupid characterizations in that film as they did this one. The sequel was admittedly more entertaining, and Riley a much more charismatic lead than Sam from the first film. Yet, the characters in that one are just as oblivious as the ones from this film. The cheese dip scene in the sequel is glaring proof of this.

You're such a mess, the train wreck stops to watch you!


I saw the sequel as well, and really I don't have a good reason why. And how no one noticed blood in the cheese dip is beyond me. That movie was unintentionally funny especially that ode to Alice. With the exception of the black security guard everyone in there was daft.
