Exactly, which is why Thomas Jane is the only man who should be Frank Castle. I did think Ray Stevenson looked freakishly like the Frank Castle we see portrayed on those wonderful covers by...oh *beep*...brain-fart!...Tim Bradstreet, there it is. But Thomas Jane is much more a fan of the character and I Think not only should he help write a script for either a TV-Movie (more like a pilot, as I think Fran kwould work best in a series, since he tends to, y'know, kill all of his arch-nemesies off.)
Even an adult animated series voiced by TJ would be great. Or a Marvel Knights team similar to the Avengers, with Black Widow, Shang Chi, Nick Fury heading it up and Frank Castle acting as the de-facto leader (ala Captain America), perhaps even Daredevil. Which would give us a great rivalry. In fact, this would work as a higher-budget TV series very well. The interactions with the team mates, occaisonal guest-stars like perhaps Jeremy Renner coming on and having a cool scene where he and Frank are at the gun-range and are trying to see who's the quickest draw, fastest shot, best marksman, etc.
So many possibilites, yet so little balls (by Marvel and Disney) to pull it off. It'd totally work, I think. But I have my Punisher-colored fanboy shades on
Also, Ron Perlman could be one of Frank's confidants and informants, perhaps help him out like Microchip. Frank helps get him sober, finds out he has a great skillset and knowledge for those kind of things, customizing weapons and the like, perhaps is still quite the badass wheelchair-warrior (there certainly are some badass wheelchair warriors out there, believe me. I teach self-defense to some)