Thomas Jane is the punisher!'

Come on make this movie already!!!

In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancti


Jane Thomas loved ya in hunger games and Gilmour girls you big girl you
Did you have the magic hydrant in this dog as well
Did you weep
Were you at the laundry to wash the breast and soy milk outta your girly tee shirt



Dear Mysterscience theatre:
Why don't you shut up and get back to sitting your fat a$$ in some theatre, with your little strange robots, and make a bunch of lame unfunny jokes about movies no one ever watches. Like Punisher 2004, starring Jane Thomas, the fem punisher.


It's funny that critics hated this movie, because from what I can see from the fans, they liked it. They like his Punisher noticeably more than than attempted reboot.

It's nice to see the character is something that means something to him too; so much that he made a short about it. I love that.

For my latest movie reviews and news:


Every review that I've seen on Youtube, on blogs and articles has praised Dirty Laundry.
