Amazing start!
To begin, I LOVED this video and I was so excited to find out that it existed. I am a HUGE fan of the 2004 Punisher movie along with the comic books and was greatly disappointed with the 2008 ''Punisher: War Zone'' (Even though some of it was filmed at my school). I find that Thomas Jane IS the Punisher and incarnates the character PERFECTLY. Even though, yeah, Tom has aged a few years since the first movie but if you ask me he looks even MORE like the character now. Does this look like a young man in the prime of his youth?
Anyway, I think that this short SHOULD DEFINITELY be made into a feature and I LOVED Ron Pearlman's character. BUT (and here come the adjustments)I think that it was too gratuitously violent. Yeah, the Punisher is all about violence but they showed too much... I'm guessing every one who loved this video was a big fan of the 2004 film and did they should blood and gore and heads exploding? No. Less is more people, less is more. The blood in this was pretty badly done in my opinion so maybe they can get away with making it gory if they touched it up a bit. But honestly i think it's not necessary. As long as you've got Thomas Jane as The Punisher and a good script, you're golden and I would buy a ticket any day!
I'd like to thank ANYONE associated with this video because honestly they did a *beep* job!
And remember kids, it's not Vengence, it's Punishment ;)