MovieChat Forums > The Bletchley Circle (2012) Discussion > Why did Susan (Anna Maxwell Martin) leav...

Why did Susan (Anna Maxwell Martin) leave?

Anyone know? I really liked her the mathematical/analytical aspect her character added to the show.


I thought she was the show really! without her it is not the same .


Because she was filming Death Comes To Pemberley at the same time.


well lets hope there is a season 3 and they bring her back!


"Well lets hope there is a season 3 and they bring her back!"

She left because her character's husband took a posting abroad with the Foreign Office. However, since there was a five year gap between the events of Series One (1948) and Series Two (1953), if there is a similar time gap between Series Two and Series Three, it would be quite plausible for her character to be back in England.

I think Susan did add an extra dimension to the series, and I hope they bring her back for Series Three.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Matthew 7:12)



Was it really 1948 in the first series?

If the war ended in the summer if 1945, how did she marry and have two kids who were already in school by 1948?

Did she leave Bletchley early in the war, like 1942, marry immediately when he came back wounded and then have the kids? If so guess the kids could be 5 or 6 by 1948.

But all in all 1948 does not feel like enough time for these things to have transpired.

I thought the first series was in the early '50s, with this one following along a year or two later...


director said it was mid 50's


I was just watching a Behind the Scenes for Series 2. One of the actresses mentions that a year has passed for the character. If Series 2 is 1953, Series 1 is 1952.

"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers


Series 1 was definitely not 1948 - the first scene was labeled 1943 (I think - might have been 1942) and then it was "9 years later" so the main story was 1952ish.


I also really like her on the show, but I also like the new actress who's sort of replaced her (the code breaker).

I think the show is still great but the series 1 storyline was just much more compelling than the 2nd with the whole serial killer aspect.


I am so sad that ITV decided to cancel The Bletchley Circle - I think there's a little protest campaign underway if anyone wants to email their objection to ITV! It was nice to see a period piece with strong female leads, even if some plot lines were a stretch in plausibility. Great cast, very sorry AMM won't be in the next 2 episodes airing in the States just now.


me too and Anna Maxwell Martin was the best actress of the show.
