I liked this movie up until (spoiler)
They met Annie and her bodyguard.
(1) why didn't Ben open up the Volvo door, get behind it and keep his gun on Annie the entire time, while telling Mickey to pick up the keys, get in the driver seat and put the car in reverse?
(2) why did Annie feel the need to shoot Ben in the leg, when a warning shot would have been good enough? Same thing with throwing their keys away; she could have thrown the keys behind her own vehicle or over theirs onto the pavement, and threaten them with a posse of guns if they followed.
(3) but the kicker was Mickey coming back into the car after he was bit. Why would he come back into the car (especially how they did it) if he knew he was zombie material AND Ben was wounded and stuck inside the car? I know Mickey was kind of an idiot and probably didn't want to die alone, but couldn't they have just as easily had Mickey get ganged up on and you hear him getting surrounded and eaten outside?
(4) the end title scenes.. Jesus Christ... the entire point of them being stuck in the car was that Ben COULDN'T get out... yet there he is, out of the car limping away with the bat... WHICH HE COULD HAVE DONE EARLIER and spared Mickey from getting bitten. Then again, Mickey was an idiot, and probably would have been bitten after getting his foot stuck in one of the wiper blades or something.
(Sigh) Otherwise, I liked the rest leading to the ending. The Orchard was a nice touch, but the ending needed some work.