MovieChat Forums > The Battery (2013) Discussion > questions to qquegchristian-1 ( Christi...

questions to qquegchristian-1 ( Christian Stella)

Hi Christian,

If you have time, I have some questions for you. First things first, Thanks to everyone involved in making this film.... a big *beep* Thanks!

These questions are not important, i'm just curious

1. I enjoyed Jeremy's drunk dance sequence, his dancing was very well done, so much so, that I wonder if there was anything else in his bottle, other than cold tea? The idea to film parts of the sequence through the door way was genius...can you take any credit for that?

2. The production company (O. Hannah), was that setup for this film only, or are there plans for others?

3. Does Jeremy still have his beard?

4. There seems to be a few different groups of families that help with or acted in this production ( I counted about 48 Stella Family members, a few Kennedy's, a couple of Horosky's, and about a dozen Grusauski's). was this a case of roping in as many friends and family members to keep the costs down?

5. I'm assuming Elise Stella is your sister, is she single? If, she is not your sister but is in fact your wife, then I'm assuming she isn't single ;)

Thanks again. and all the best for the future


Hello! Thank you! Lets do this...

1. Pretty sure the liquor is fake in the dancing scene, however it was real in the drinking scene in the car. We were all very wasted that night, however the trippier stuff in the car drunk scene with the camera going in and out of focus was actually shot the next morning because we got so plastered that we were worried we didn't get enough shots of them actually taking drinks. Pretty sure the memorable dancing scene shots were all Jeremy, because he wrote that scene into the script with the hallway in mind. Here is a video of us shooting that scene. Keep in mind that you either see or hear all 6 of our daily crew in the video... So this video is exactly how the shoot was throughout. 2 or 3 days we had a makeup artist or two come out to help.

2. O. hannah Films is definitely not just for this movie, in fact, it's actually a name of another script by Jeremy that involves a king cobra. (O. hannah is the technical name for the king cobra). Currently I refuse to shoot that film because, king cobras are extremely extremely dangerous, even stage cobras. Jeremy, Adam (Mickey), and I are the core 3 of O. hannah and have at least 6 ideas we could shoot next, but some are more ready than others. There is an idea for The Orchard, which would be a sequel to The Battery that can also stand alone as its own film, so that we can grow the audience, rather than limiting it to only people who saw The Battery. It would start where The Battery left off, I'm just saying you don't need to know the full backstory to enjoy it. Don't know if or when that will happen, as we really want to spin another genre into something new. I write scripts as well but all my ideas are drama/comedies right now, so I'd expect a 99% chance we're filming what Jeremy writes. I'll probably co-direct with Jeremy and Adam will produce. Unless Hollywood swoops in and steals Jeremy first, which they should.

3. Yes, he does. Don't think that's going anywhere until (and if) he is forced to shave for a role.

4. There isn't THAT many of these names! Our credits are way too long for how many people actually made the movie. I'm probably in there 8 times because I did so many jobs. There are only 3 actual Stellas... Me (director of photography, producer, sound design, foley, score mixer, color correction), Elise (production manager, fresh slut zombie), and Alicia (editor, sound editor, foley). Those other last names you mention, those are from our list of zombie extras... We don't actually know them personally, just put a call out in the local paper and it was a small town so entire families came.

5. Elise is my wife. Bummer for you. Today marks 9 years we've been together actually. Alicia, the editor, is my sister. She is with the other editor.

Though are credits are long, the people on set every single day were Jeremy, Adam, Me, Elise, Nick Bohun (sound guy), and Kelly McQuade (Makeup, set design, Jeremy's girlfriend). Then in post production, it was Alicia and Michael (editors), Me, and Ryan Winford (composer) with Jeremy and Adam overseeing post.


Thanks so much Christian, that was an appreciated effort. and congrats on the anniversary.

The link was awesome and I have even more respect for Jeremy's acting now. I watched a some of the other BTS vids, the Viewer Voicemails are hysterical, and it's seems the movie is enhanced by excessive pot smoking, so I'll keep that in mind. I was going to ask you for camera tips but then i saw the vid of you going to shoot the movie ;) Actually, what camera was it? and did you only have the one?

one final question and then i'll leave you alone. Are the bands that were playing on the movie, friends of your or did you contact them for the rights?

Take care. thanks again

P.s i was joking about there being 49 Stellas


I accidentally replied to myself, but my reply is below. I should mention that I think I am going to start a camera blog next month and shoot some new stuff, because I've learned so much and acquired so much equipment since we filmed The Battery two years ago.


Yeah, what you see in that video of us shooting the dance scene is all of the equipment we had, other than a cheap plastic tripod from Best Buy. One camera, 2 lenses. $68 Opteka shoulder rig. The camera was a 5D Mark 2 which I owned for my normal job as a food photographer. 90% of the movie was shot on a $2,000 Zeiss 21mm lens that I rented for $125. Drunken scenes like the dancing scene were shot on a Canon 50mm 1.4 wide open to make them dreamy and drunken.

As far as bands, we were simply huge fans of Rock Plaza Central and asked. Once they said yes and got friendly, we asked Chris Eaton, the lead singer, to record the song for the opening credits. Today, we can say he IS a friend, but we started as fans. He is the one who got us in contact with The Parlor who provided 2 songs. Then Wise Blood is a friend of Adam's and Sun Hotel is a friend I used to wait tables with. I went to a Sun Hotel show to ask them to use their music and met El Cantador there, bought their CD, and months later asked them to use their song in apple orchard sequence. They've become friends of the movie as well. There's a great mutual respect between us and the bands. We're all scraping by to do what we love.


Thanks a lot Christian. Nice work using rented gear. I think that The battery will be a huge inspiration to a lot of people, who will look at your film and the way it was made and will try having a go themselves, just like people took inspiration from Peter Jackson and Kevin Smith and what they did at the start of their careers (didn't Kevin Smith smuggle film equipment out of his workplace under his trench coat???). Your film is one that will be seen by a lot of people over a long period, predominately because of word of mouth. And, you made the film for $6000, *beep* it looked like you spent at least that on cigarettes.

To tell you the truth I hadn't heard of any of the bands, probably because im in Sweden, but I've just looked on Spotify, Then Wise Blood is the only one I can't find.

I would be very interested in your blogg, like I said, lots of people are going to be inspired, me included. I have have many short stories and ideas that I'm working on that can be adapted, so why the &#¤Y not learn and have a go... but all of you have set a very high standard, so kudos to you all.

What was up with the ball of string at the end?

Also, if you want to check out something that might titillate you musically, check out Andrew Jackson Jihad


Hi Christian

Not a question as such but I just want to thank you for film. I went to the Uk Festival of Zombie Culture last night in Leicester England, this was my fourth year and The Battery is the best film I've seen so far.

So enjoyable,reminded me a little of Dark Star, (maybe Jeremys beard?) looking forward to seeing what you do next, oh and by the way is a DVD release available yet?
see you in the orchard

