What was he trying to do with the ball?
What was Ben trying to achieve by unravelling the ball?
shareWhat was Ben trying to achieve by unravelling the ball?
sharegood question. I've just watched the end again and have no idea
shareFirst, unraveling the ball is a very on the nose way to say that time is passing (because it takes FOREVER to do that as there is about one mile of string in there). Second, it can be seen as a metaphor for how *beep* unraveled around the guys. Third, it can be seen as Ben showing great determination to get the core out of the ball, before needing the determination to get himself out of the situation.
shareWell we're seeing him unravel the baseball while he's telling that girl that he's going to do what they did in the house...let them in one door while they go out the other. I assumed that he was making some sort of net to string up across the back area there so that when he opened the hatchback, they'd all flood in that way, get held back by the webbing some and allow him time to get out the front doors.
Wow, I didn't realize I was replying under one of the film makers...how cool is that??
But it begs the question...how did you not know this? =D
http://www.otnhb.com/forum/ -Off Topic No Holds Barred Forum
The net thing is new to us, but not a bad idea. I guess we never thought of it that way because we DID shoot him getting out of the car. In the end, the shot was scrapped because we were unhappy with the amount of zombies. Though there were around 50, it looked like 25. It's something for a DVD one day though as it IS a very cool shot from across a field as the back hatchback opens and the zombies start flooding in that direction clearing up the front of the car as Ben climbs out the sunroof. Zombies went into the hatchback and followed him out of the sunroof and everything. If there were 100 more, it would have been incredible.
Dunno if you should have told us about that.
I like the "we'll never know" aspect to the ending.
Reminds me of the end of The Thing.
If revenge is a dish best served cold, but revenge is sweet then is revenge ice-cream?
I just have to say, what Evil_Bob wrote is one of the lamest responses in the history of IMDB. If you don't want to read interesting information about a film, don't go to its message board, idiot.
Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable
But... You do know, because there's that shoot during the credits with Ben leaving the zombies behind.
sharedamn, that shot sounds amazing even thinking about it! anyways, i think you did a tremendous job with the movie, mad props!
shareI thought he was going to use it as stitching for his gunshot wound, and I think he ate the leather.
shareYeah that is what I thought when watching. That he was going to stitch the wound.
Did a little review for the film. http://cauwel3.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-battery-2012-movie-review.html
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