I loved it.

I watched this movie after reading a few reviews/comments here, and I wasn't really expecting to like it. I'm happy to say I loved it, and can easily deem it the best zombie survival movie I've ever seen.

I usually don't enjoy low budget independent films, I usually stop a movie at the first sign of bad camera work or bad acting, but this one was amazing. So if you're on the fence, I urge you to give it a shot.


Loved it too. Would highly recommend it.


Me too.


I didn't. Wouldn't recommend it.


me too. it was bad in many accounts.


I dug this film a whole lot. It's refreshing to see a low-budget horror film that puts a marked emphasis on mood and characters over cheap scares and excessive gore. Moreover, the fraught relationship between Ben and Mickey provided a surprising amount of dramatic punch and even poignancy.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
