MovieChat Forums > The Battery (2013) Discussion > Support their next project

Support their next project

These guys have invested 3 years of their life into this project to end up with one of the best movies of 2014, but still be underrecognized (in my opinion!) and lack adequate commercial success (they posted abysmal figures on facebook, you could very well make more money looking for pennies underneith your furniture).

During every scene you could feel how much effort and love went into this. If you want to see another project like this from these three (Adam, Jeremy and Christian), you should consider donating.

I am in no way affiliated to the producers, just a huge fan of this movie and desperately awaiting their next project. You can see 'proof' of that if you check out my posting history.

There is a 'Donate' button (PayPal) on the movie's web site:


saw this movie on moviebox on my iphone and enjoyed it so i bought it on their website for $10 and downloaded the HD version and have enjoyed it even more. I like the music a lot and its brought a lot of bands i;d never heard of or thought i'd enjoy into my selections.
