I loved it

This was incredible. An easy 4 out of 5 for me. A compelling human drama, not only a nice twist on the genre, but just a great flick all in all. I suppose if one was hoping for a gut munching zombie romp that they could be disappointed, but I thought it was done so well and a testament that great films can be made with hardly any cash if the ambition and vision and determination are there. A little heavy on the folky, indie rock, but that's pretty much the only criticism I had. Good on scream factory for bringing this one to the masses.


Totally agree. It is great in the sense that it perfectly and successfully manages to show us the fact that you don't need all the gore,gruesomeness and the rotten flesh for a zombie movie to function as a nice, enjoyable flick. The Walking Dead fills such hunger, if there is any, perfectly. For a zombie fan, this was overall enjoyable and I loved the scene where the drunk dude sings Anthem for the Already Defeated.

Also recommend BBC's In the Flesh if you are more leaned towards the drama/psychology side in the genre. Plus there are zombies in it, what more you could possibly want?
