The Fight
You hold your ground, getting ready to fight. But the man runs past you, with his pipe raised high as he screams up to the top of the road. Right then, a horde of zombies emerge and the man in iron is fighting off one zombie after another. He continues to bash each head in and move to the next. They try to bite him, but the armor around his body just breaks their teeth. You decide to help the man and grab a 2x4 and run up the road towards him. Together, you both bash away as zombie heads, splattering brain all over the other deads.
After a few minutes, when the horde is nothing but a pile of corpses with dented heads, the man in iron lifts up his mask and looks at you with cold dark eyes. You try to smile but fearful of what he’ll do, you just say tell him you woke up in an empty hospital and have no idea what’s going on or who is still alive. He puts up his hand and shakes it. “I’m Morgan.” He introduces himself.
"Hi? Are you real?" You ask him.
"Yes?” He says confused, like what kind of question is that. “Who are you?" He continued.
You tell him your name and he says, "I'm Morgan, I haven't seen another living for a couple days; I was beginning to think I was the last man on Earth."
You laughed under your breath. “Haven’t seen anyone in days?” "Last man on Earth?” “Sure," you thought but didn't say anything. Still unsure what's going on you ask, "Where is everyone?" you asked. Morgan looks at you with bewilderment.
"You don't know?" He asks back.
"Know what?"
"Everyone is dead. Or part dead. No one knows for sure and the radio and TV has been out for days." He explains. You're shocked, "what does he mean, 'everyone is dead'? What about my family? What about my friends? What about the beer?" You continue to think.
"Where are you headed?" You ask Morgan. He doesn't answer; he just looks at you confused, like he didn't know the meaning of the question. "I'm heading to the bar. I could use a drink, I’m parched" You tell him. He smiles.
“Man, you have no idea. If anything, that sounds like a plan.” He replied back.
You begin your adventure to the pub.
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