MovieChat Forums > Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) Discussion > It's good but imho sorely lacking compar...

It's good but imho sorely lacking compared to the first two movies.

Felt rushed,

predictable 'final fight' although well animated and looks pretty cool, in some ways very similar to the previous movie.

for me this lacks the same emotion of the first two movies it has some emotion no doubt but it didn't have the same impact on me.

Kai the bad guy in this does little in the way of fighting compared to the previous bad guys, they actually got stuck in and kicked ass, this guy just throws some chi at people and turns them into jade zombies and then gets his ass dragged through the spirit realm then po overloads him with chi... boom fight is over po wins by fatality !

then soppy ending all is good.


The best stories have strong villains.
This... didn't.

The first movie had what was basically a son
who came back to kill his (adopted) father, in Tai Lung and Shifu.
Lord Shen in the second movie had the obvious link to Po
from killing his parents, but also worked as a parallel in that they
had both been abandoned by their parents, and the difference lay
in how they each chose to deal with it.

In the third movie, it's a running joke that nobody knows
who the heck Kai is, and the only person who might have cared about him
doesn't show up until everything is already over.
Kai doesn't matter to any of the main characters so it becomes very hard
to give a damn about him for the audience as well.


Agreed, that joke was lame.



Yep I agree. Falls very short of the first two. I think KFP2 is the best. The inner peace theme was brilliant
