What a Sad Movie

about Pandas, and tigers, set in China -all doomed to extinction. China is a toxic sh*thole that will hasten the destruction of the earth, if there are any pandas there, they would probably get eaten. More likely sold to the highest bidder.

I believe children's books and movies should not feature endangered animals, let's be realistic and prepare them for their future. Make movies about little iPads or cell phones. There won't be half the species of animals, fish, birds, or insects by the time they grow up, they will only look at pictures in books.




You know nothing about China. You know nothing about animals. What a sad person.


Go to attend a college, it'll be good for you


Don't forget that China is responsible for the illegal trade of Rhinoceros horn and Elephant ivory.

My new signature http://youtu.be/7-NOZU2iPA8


Yaoming went to Africa personally and made a documentary named the end of the wild. It's about the illegal trade of Rhinoceros horn and Elephant ivory. I highly suggest you watch it. You will know more about the truth.




"If there were any pandas in China..."? Please educate yourself about China's breeding programs for pandas. Even pandas born in US zoos are eventually returned to China. .
