How skilled is Po at Kung Fu?
After three films I am wondering how skilled is Po at kung fu? The Dragon Warrior was hyped up to be the most powerful kung fu warrior sing Ooogway which is why Tai Lung thought it was going to be himself. He was the most skilled at kung fu since Oogway and the only one to master every other style. I know Po tends to pick up on things quickly, but he doesn't really come off as better than other members of the Furious Five.
Kung Fu Panda - Tai Lung was blinded by pride and rage. He was more focused on getting the dragon scroll then fighting Po. A lot of the damage Tai Lung sustained was more by accident than skill on Po's part. Despite that Tai Lung still defeated Po and got the scroll. His nerve strikes only failed because of Po's fat. If Tai Lung were in a proper state of mind I could easily see him defeating Po even in the third film.
Kung Pu Panda 2 and 3 - Po spars with Tigress and she is either better than him or at least even. Mainly she knows how to use his weight against him. In fact, Po doesn't strike me as being better than any of the other Furious Five. Better than some masters? Sure. The best of all of them? I don't think so.
Any other opinions?