MovieChat Forums > The Lifeguard (2013) Discussion > Worst movie of the year?

Worst movie of the year?

This was a trash hole of a movie. Seriously Kristen Bell was wasted and her character was an annoying idiot. Whoever made this movie actually sides with the characters in it and that makes them clearly stupid and out of touch. Who would like people like this? and who puts touching indie music over top of creepy sex scenes and tries to make a 16 year old punk kid having sex with a stupid 30 year old romantic? argh...anyway that's my rant. I gave this a 3/10 in our video review and I'm wondering what your WORST film of 2013 so far is?

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Quite possibly this film, I saw the Great Gatsby the other day and that was night and day compared to this. It had a plot, it had reasonable music, it had decent visuals and it had characters you believed in and liked. I am not a fan of LD but was still very enjoyable.

So when films like the GG which you have no expectations for deliver it makes the lifeguard especially poor to not deliver when they could have quite easily made such a simple film good with a bit more thought and development especially when they had at least one good actor in it. Instead it comes off looking cheap, underdeveloped, meaningless, uneducated, and dangerously close to encouraging illegal behaviour. I have yet to see a film this year that has managed to fail so badly. In this instance I think it shows that if you put a woman in charge of directing who has some kind of feminist / pedophiliac agenda you are going to only please those in the audience that also concur with such views. This in hand has made it more concerning when a lot of women seem to think that what the main character did in the film was perfectly ok and perfectly acceptable. This has resulted in a film that is not only a failure but to the wrong audience is quite frankly dangerous.



'The Lifeguard' is definently up there, but overall it has to be 'Movie 43'


Yeah this movie was bad enough that I didn't finish, which is rare. I just didn't see it going anywhere and I found the characters really repulsive and annoying, and I'm very open minded when it comes to film.

Go Mischa/Marissa(2003-2006)
Wisdom is freedom


First of all i never thought kristen bell was a good actress she just plain sucks.This like alot of indie films always can be better but just always quit before they finish.Its like their lazy this movie could of been better but it just collaspes under its own weight.It's obvious the director isn't able to handle weighty topics like this .
I dont think its a complete flop its just lazily made i hate this mentality of its cool not to care.How are we the audience supposed to take something serious when the people creating these films;seem not to care.

My mother would show up on time and know all her lines but who wants to pay to see my mother?


Only God Forgives and Movie 43 are the biggest LOSERS this year and all of the last century.


Movie 43 says hello.


The darker the shadow, the more radiant the light it beams.
