Garden State meets Young Adult meets Adventureland...
And you could sprinkle a bit of Lost In Translation in there as well. If you're into that whole vibe, and if you've seen those flicks you know exactly the tone I mean, then this film is for you. Hardliners need not apply. I have to say Drinking Buddies was far more boring than this one... at least Kristen did something in this movie, unlike Olivia Wilde in DB who does nothing for 90 minutes. Kristen fought with little kids, smoked dope, banged a teenager in many positions, rocked a one-piece, humped a wall, broke the rules and violated the law in countless and unspecified ways, set a new slacker record, threw an all night pool fiesta at her job and told off the cops. Lovelace had less sex than this movie. That rocks. You gotta give 'em credit for trying. It was worlds better than that movie Kristen made called When In Rome... now that's ten times the chick flick this one is. Lifeguard is a slacker movie and it should be counted as such. Don't be fooled by the emotional pretense. It's like Van Wilder if you look at it the right way.