Big Jason

I've seen criticisms and comments saying they wish Little Jason's dad wasn't so indifferent to Leigh and Little Jason's affair. However, it was kind of in keeping with his character. This was a father who seemed somewhat apathetic, to the point that Little Jason wanted to leave. If he got all firey and indignant, it wouldn't have been in keeping with the rest of what we saw of him. Besides, I don't think he was completely indifferent. He did unceremoniously leave Leigh's belongings by the pool when she came back from Matt's mom. I think he didn't want to pursue it any further because, as he said, Little Jason had been through a lot of *beep* already (he did just find his best friend hanging from a tree)and his dad believed they should just move forward rather than dwell on an inappropriate and illegal affair. Men like Big Jason, don't believe in talking things out and therapy, he's more of the "move on and forget it" mentality. Plus, there is a double standard when it comes to how fathers view their son's sexual activity vs. if he had a daughter who had an affair with a 30yo man. It's not right and I don't necessarily agree with it but the mentality exists.


The double standard may exist in society and therefore the mentality may exist in some but as you correctly state it's not right and legally there is no double standard. It's about time people woke up and bought the social understanding in line with the law because in the eyes of the law there is zero difference between woman adult + child and male adult + child. Unfortunately films like do nothing to aid in educating people it just plays on people's ignorance.


At least they had Mel react the way she should; justifiably upset and reporting it even if it cost her, her job. I'm also glad they didn't have Leigh really be able to defend it either. She made no grandiose declarions of love to excuse sleeping with a 16yo. She really was just a vampire feeding off his youth, like she told Mel.


Yeah I just wish it was based somewhere else where the laws were not so primitive or set with parents who actually cared for the child then they could of pressed charges at the end and driven the point home. However having just watched a film on the creator of the film it seems like there was some kind of hidden agenda there which explains why this film fell flat at the end.


Falling flat for you seems to = Leigh not getting arrested, which is asinine. You're so dumb it's insane. The movie's plot, character reactions and all, would have been very different if the creator/director was trying to express that Leigh was in the right. You're so dense.


If at 16 i was banging a 29 year old lifeguard my dad would have high fived me lol
