Dont do it Matt ...

Seriously ... not looking forward to this. He needs to stay single, focus on work, and just whack it off in the shower. WHY???



why do you want him to be single so bad?

Ok, Dawson is horrible but I would love to see Casey with another woman, a woman who would actually treat Casey right who would genuinely love him and respect him and be considerate of him.


Lol because its always got to be the cute guy that has to be in a relationship. I want him, why does Scabby get to have him?



well I want him too, but obviously I can't...and neither could you...hence I want Casey to have a great woman in his life who would actually love him and respect him and treat him right.


It would be hysterical if Matt led Scabs to believe he was going to propose and he said BAZINGA!! I'm seeing someone else. sorry (not sorry)  but nooooooo, the writers have to listen to all those squealing Dawsey fans. Can I puke?



That would be so awesome. Lol


There are fans of Casey and Dawson as a couple?? I'll pray for them.

As long as he and Dawson continue their farce of a relations Casey can never be a worthwhile character again. I know he's meant to be the stable, heart of gold, father figure of the group but jeez he is brainless and boring.

And that's zero fun to watch.


DUH why do you think Dawsey even became a thing on the show? Apparently there's a sizable group of delusional shippers who actually love Casey with that prima donna Scabby Dawson and the producers & writers have just been bending over backwards to please them.

Casey's a great character and is smart overall...but he does become blind and brainless and spineless when it comes to's just sad to see just how bad the whole Dawsey relationship has ruined Casey's character as a whole and how far Dawson has dragged Casey's character down with her. It's ironic how people can be smart and intelligent, but sometimes they can become a different person and become so stupid and spineless when it comes to the people they love...well you know what they say, love is blind and love can make people do stupid things right?


Hi I'm Matt Casey's conscious and he said he'll take both of you....
.....Fo Sizzle
