boring and weak

We have self driving cars yet in 300 years people are still driving themselves? Use normal human bodies? What tiresome drivel. And that's before the poor acting and horrible dialogue.
All in all a weak sauce of bladerunner 2049 combined with last years ghost in the shell. But without the backstory, scientific base or basic humanity.

Netflix is going down faster than Bitcoin


Do you think Netflix is trying to churn things out too quickly and aren't putting enough thought into what they create?


Not that they are trying to churn out things to quickly but that they are spreading their budgets too thinly to create quality product. When you are watching it you can see places where they skimped on the budget, in some crowd scenes I've seen better from a cheap cable movie the quality of the lighting and shot just looked like cheap video in a few spots... But more over they seemed to stretch the entire story into 10 episode when it didn't need that much for the story they had. A music montage is something I expect in a standard movie because they are limited on time and need to cram in more things than they budget allows... the music montages in this series seem more like filler put in because they needed to stretch a episode to a specific time and throwing in pointless montage with bad music ate up some time.

Then of course you get some of the cheesiest dialogue in the movie you could imagine. Apparently they skimped on the writers and got some cheap ones thinking the actors could make up for the poor dialogue...well unless you're going to go get Morgan Freeman caliber actors you aren't going to be able to make bad dialogue sound good, it just makes the actors look bad which is why a lot of the comments as that they acting is bad. I don't think the acting is truly bad it is just a case of actors not being good enough to take bad writing and make it seem decent.


Yeah, I'd rather have good writing than anything else. I love special effects, who doesn't? But they don't make up for a lousy script. And, of course, if both writing and production values are bad, it's lose-lose.

I'm beginning to prefer movies over series. Develop an idea and be done with it. Don't drag it out so long that you have to pad it with useless material.


The effects budget doesn't allow full on transhumanism (uploading your mind to a durable machine). So we had to settle for human to human body transfer due to using plain old actors.


Lol, no. It’s based on an excellent novel where human-to-human body transfer is the basic conceit.


Netflix has an incredibly inept story department...plain and simple. Altered Carbon is a two-hour movie, not a ten-part series. How this wasn’t obvious from the get-go is beyond me. In fact, I have yet to see a single original program of theirs (other than Bojack Horseman) that doesn’t feel hollow/superficial. Netflix churns out unbelievable amounts of content in the hopes that some of their shit will stick, but absolutely none of it has the cultural impact they’re hoping for. From beginning to end, the entire “network” contains the most unsatisfying storytelling I’ve ever seen.


What do you think of Bojack Horseman S04? I lost interest the first episode and haven't gone back. Is it more of the same or are they going somewhere? Same thing happened to "The Americans" for me (although I did finish watching last season)


No, Bojack is definitely more of the same. It’s still great if you like the characters, but there’s nothing happening that they haven’t already covered three times before.
